• info@thedistinguishedchurch.org
  • +2348055640575
The Distinguished Church
The Distinguished Church

The Distinguished Church

Our Core Value
That the image of Christ be formed in every heart, to practice the presence of God by befriending the Holy Spirit, to see His kingdom come that every member would develop a personal relationship with Christ, to see the great manifestation of the power, presence, and knowledge of God, to love the world as God loves her and that the world would see the love of the Father through us.
Our Mission

Our Mission

To win the lost for Christ and disciple them unto maturity
Our Vision

Our Vision

Turning dump sites into glory sites. It is our vision to bring beauty to lives and destinies.


Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever!
The Distinguished Church
Today's Mum

Today's Mum

Reaching out to mums and would-be Raising Mums.
That Same Jesus

That Same Jesus

Through this campaign, we transverse the world for Jesus.
The Lake and the Hunted

The Lake and the Hunted

Touching the homeless, drug abused, and rape victims.
Healing for Wounded Emotions

Healing for Wounded Emotions

Through HWE, the Holy Spirit will heal you of childhood traumas.

Lambert Nwajagu Podcast

Esosa Nwajagu Podcast

The Distinguished Church